Thursday, April 17, 2008

My birth into blogger

Here I am, welcome! yay, hurray me!
It's 5:15 am. Oh the trouble you get into at the crack of dawn when you're not sleeping.
I used to have a livejournal back in high school... that was... oh, six years ago? Man I feel old (hah!).

So anyway, I figured I'd make another blog so I can vent when I want, or BS when I want, or do whatever else I want, when I want. Not because I normally can't... but... idk. It made sense 10 minutes ago when I was creating my username and password.

So here I go!
***WARNING: As previously mentioned, this is my first blog in about six years, so I have every right to make it a long one to catch up on things!

I've been thinking a lot about graduation lately. In about 3 months (the commencement ceremony is set for August 2, so what is that, 3.5 months?), I will be graduating college. That is, assuming I don't get too cocky and fail out before then... which is entirely possible with the course loads I am/will be taking. Right now I'm taking 15 credits: 3 creative writing classes (ungodly amounts of reading and writing), and 2 literature classes (even more ungodly amounts of reading and writing). If you know anything about math (I don't), you'll know that thats two times the amount of reading and writing necessary to kill someone. If I don't make it to summer semester, we'll all know why.
Then over the summer I'll be taking 2 writing classes and 2 history classes within 12 weeks. I can't guarantee it, but somehow I feel like that'll be a lot of work too.

Anyway, so back to the topic of graduation. I'm not gonna lie, I've been putting off my homework by looking at graduation announcements and cap and gown order forms. I really want to plan some kind of celebration, but my family lives all over the place and my friends are in Orlando, so I don't know what I could do. Maybe just a small dinner/ get together here in Orlando, and then another one in South Florida? That's probably going to have to work.
Orlando- Doug, Heather, Marlia, Michelle, Kat, Matt, Tina, Jenny, Shauna, Brian, Ryan, Mom, Kaili, friends from work maybe...
S. FL- Kaili, Joe, Mom, Dad, Grandma, Grandpa, Marisa and FPG girls, Kaili's friends?
(sorry, I needed somewhere to think and list, and there it is.)

I think I'm going to make my own graduation announcements... Something pretty with a picture of me, and an invite to go out for dinner and celebrate my wonderfulness. Maybe I can make little mini mortarboards with tassels...

After I graduate I'll go to Fort Myers for the week. It'll be nice to relax a little after working my butt of for the past 8 months (all of spring and summer semesters). Then, I'll have three weeks until I jet-set off to Egypt with Dad!!

Dad and I are getting SO excited about Egypt. The entire 15-day trip was only $5500 for both of us, and we just purchased our flights to and from New York (where our plane departs for Egypt from), which were an additional $450... So for a grand total of about $6,000, Dad and I are taking the trip of a lifetime! He swears he's going to come back with a piece of the Sphinx's nose. Also, he's told me many times that if we aren't given a chance to touch the pyramids and explore inside, he's going to give up the tour and we will have to find our own way home, because he's going in! I'm excited to see him walk like an egyptian (because we all know that's coming), and I decided tonight that if he starts farting uncontrollably, I'm going to call him King Toot! Hahaha...

After Egypt, I want to go to Vegas for a month and work at the Bahama Breeze there and stay with Stacey Feinberg and the girls. She'll just be getting married at that point, so it might be kinda odd to have me there, but whatever :) Worst comes to worst I can stay with her sister, that'd be fine too.

Then, once I'm home (S. FL, that is), I'll find a job somewhere and get to work. I'd like to start the masters program at FAU in the spring of 2009, but that requires transcripts, admission, acceptance, and a LOT of money (Grad tuition is like, $900 per class!!!).

Other than my vacations and my future plans, I've been focusing on not dealing with reality... which means pretending I'm not overwhelmed with school and money issues. I'm super in debt and havn't paid my credit card payments in awhile (I know, I don't need the lecture. My excuse is that it's called 'young and stupid' for a reason). And I'm just so sick of reading, annotating, critiquing, and editing papers from this whole semester that I just don't want to do it anymore... Which could be a problem, since I have 7 papers due within a week (in addition to more homework, two exams, and a project exhibition). The smart thing to do would be to stop procrastinating, but it's just too much work to face, so I ignore it instead. (I work well on deadline- it'll all get done, it just won't be perfect. I'm okay with that.)

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